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The Nightmare before BREXIT

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Brexit is here, is inevitable, and now, what are you thinking about?

How much more will it cost to import goods from Europe?

Exactly. And, honestly, we don’t know. It always happens with this international treaties and regulations, the thing is big that no-one can be really sure of anything.

Importation to the UK will be slightly more expensive because more paperwork will be required (we’re in France so, whatever the crazy paperwork you might need to do, we will still be in a tougher situation).

Most probably, however, the costs will not increase (or at least, not too much) due to extra taxes, as the UK and EU will manage some agreement. Even if there is no agreement, extra import taxes will be limited to the interest of UK and UK enterprises. Goods coming from outside UK for which there are not similar UK ones could see their taxes decrease. While the opposite will happen when there are UK producers. For some products, however, prices will not decrease as there are currently free-tax agreements within European commodities. That is the case of olive oil, jamón, wine, etc.

In fact, UK can become as other no-EU contries a member of the European Economic Area (EAA) (as Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway); or a member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (as the previous three plus Switzerland). Organization which cooperate for a easy homogeneous exchange of goods between these European and EU and European but not EU countries.

What does all that mean? Who knows! Possibly, the political discussions, treats and contracts will develop and change for years. Maybe we’ll get a New Europe Union or a EurAsian Union, something we can regret later. Anyway, it is not clear.

Brexit is coming: What can I do?

Finally, we can answer that question: buy now! Make sure that you get your European goods before the Brexit deadline and save future money and pain (remember the paperwork).

You can get a bunch of made-in-France dildos and masturbators. Love Smiths offer the best, the coolest, the safest and totally handcrafted for you. Just have a look.

Love Smiths’ The Nightmare before Brexit:

That’s why we want to celebrate (if we can say so) the last Halloween before Brexit. We made some cool colour combination: the Jack o’ Lantern. A wavy mixture of bright orange and iridescent yellow which shine orange in the dark, decorated with a bit of matte black.

Boys and girls of older age

Wouldn't you like to feel something strange?

Come with us and you will feel This, our shop in Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

I am the one hiding besides your bed Gland grow sharp and balls glowing red

I am the one hiding under your pants Scales on my balls and all around my shaft

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

In this shop we call home

Everyone hail to the dildo song

La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!) La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)

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